[Day17]Pairing Sake and Cigar: “KATSUYAMA THE BRAVE SMOKER”

By | 2014年11月8日

[17日目]日本酒ペアリング コラム 葉巻と日本酒のペアリング

Link to: Paring Sake and Food laboratory: Samurai sake “KATSUYAMA” and Meat dishes


・Conditions of liquor to meet the cigar  葉巻に合う酒の条件

When you enjoy a Cigar, what kinds of alcohol drink you usually choose? Cognac? Armagnac? Calvados? Single malt whiskey? You have many choices.


Monymusk Bristol Cl Rum

Monymusk Bristol Cl Rum

Rum can be a one of choice. Also from the view point of “region pairing”, Rum, which is produced in Latin America, can become the best partner of the cigar.



My Amaretto and Cigar

Although not related to the “region pairing” , I love to pair Amaretto and cigars. It is because I’m a beginner at cigar, then sometimes I feel bitterness or pungency from Cigar. Matured Cigar lover well smoke and avoid them, however, at the final stage, when the length of the cigar is shortened, inevitably degree of bitterness and pungency are increased.

Then, here we can say, “Sweetness” is one important condition when you try to pair Cigar and liquor. When you drink Sweet liquor (Sweet beverage can not meet the Cigar. “Strength” of alcohol is also another important factor for pairing in terms of balance control.)  Sweetness of liquor reset bad taste of Cigar and we can enjoy Cigar to the last.



ということもあり、おそらくは『甘味』というのが、葉巻と酒をペアリングする際のきわめて重要な要素だと言うことができるだろう。甘い酒を飲む時(甘いジュースは葉巻に合わせることが出来ない。アルコールが持つ「強さ」もまた葉巻とのバランスと言う観点で、ペアリングする際の重要な要素となる。)  酒の甘さが葉巻の嫌な部分をリセットしてくれる。こうして我々は葉巻を最後まで楽しむことが出来るというわけだ。


Japanese Sake, new paring partner of Cigar 日本酒、葉巻の新たなるペアリングパートナー

For a long time Dry(Karakuchi) type Sake had dominated trend of Sake taste in Japan. Karakuchi sake, which we usually pair with delicate Japanese dishes like Sushi, cannot be a partner of Cigar. But Sake, which is made from rice, originally had sweet elements. To make Karakuchi sake, most of them are just consumed during alcohol content generation process.Yeast generate alcohol content from sugar content.

Recently, this Karakuchi taste trend had reconsidered and Sweet(Amakuchi) type of Sake is produced at some Sake brewery. The Katsu-Yama brewery, who produce the sweetest sake (as long as I know), discover possibility of paring Sweet Japanese sake and Cigar and finally developed “Sake for Cigar” named  “Samurai Sake THE BRAVE SMOKER”.



Samurai Sake "The Brave Smoker"

Samurai Sake “The Brave Smoker”


“The Brave Smoker” is brewed to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of exchanges between Cuba & Japan.


Backside label of bottle

Backside label of bottle


3 types of Katsu-Yama Sake are blended, considering best paring with Cigar: 2011 vintage, 2008 vintage and 2013 vintage. Taste of it is at first Sweet and I can feel Aged sake taste. I feel taste of Skewered rice dumplings in a sweet soy glaze. Master of bar mentioned “It is Iburigakko” which is smoked sweet daikon pickles.


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How is paring with Cigar? Finish of The Brave Smoker is so long compared with other Sake that Sweet aroma of Sake remains in the mouse for more than 30 second. This sweet aroma is well merged with smoke of Cigar in the mouse.

If sake is Karakuchi one, smoke aroma of cigar is swiped completely. Even though you want to bathe in the afterglow of long lasting finish of Cigar, suddenly, as it were, you are splashed with cold water.

It is very difficult to say that Katsu-Yama The Brave Smoker is the best partner of Cigar, because sometimes I want to pair Cognac,  Armagnac, Calvados, or other Single malt whiskey with Cigar. It depends. But it is clear that The Brave Smoker is currently only and the best “sake” partner of Cigar. I would like to express my great respect and gratitude to Katsu-Yama for the brave contributions he has made to the expansion of paring possibility.




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Link to Sake Pairing Laboratory


所長J「前回の記事で『sake pairingはあり』だが、『sake marriageはなし』という話をしたが、そんなこと言ってもお前のサイトには英語の記事なんかないじゃないかといわれたら、



日本酒 de ペアリングラボのページへ




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